
We need your feedback!  As you run into things while using the AIMS systems or as you think about Extension Accountability in general... Please pass along your thoughts and comments here on this part of the site.  Your comments will be reviewed, posted and responded to within two business days. 

The suggestions will prioritized on an on-going basis and the resulting AIMS/Accountability enhancements will be communicated quarterly. 

(If you would like a personal response, please leave your name/contact info.)


  1. Shooting Sports is an official, National and Arkansas 4-H Curriculum, and should be listed as such.

  2. Thanks for catching that, Rex. 4-H Shooting Sports will be added to the Curriculum List, provided by 4-H Youth Development.

  3. I just watched the SNAP-Ed tutorial by Mary Poling. When a particular school is selected, could the street address and city be connected with that selection so that it all appears?
